
Steam library cleaner
Steam library cleaner

These models often feature a long wand attachment perfect for reaching far corners. On the other hand, models with a canister that rolls on the floor offer thicker and steadier steam. Stretching to reach top corners of windows gets old quickly if you’re lifting a hand-held steamer. Hand-held models produce less robust steam, and though they can be operated with one hand, they can require a lot of effort if you have many windows to clean. Like vacuums, steam cleaners for the home generally come in hand-held models and models with a separate canister and a wand or attachment. Windows are more sensitive than they look and will crack if they encounter steam when too cold, so this is a job for spring, summer or fall. Choose the right time to cleanįirst, consider the season and the temperature. Steaming windows also leaves no streaks, and when you finish, your arms won’t be nearly as sore. It doesn’t rely on synthetic detergents that can seep into groundwater and is therefore better for the environment. Steam cleaning removes grime and disinfects. While requiring more in the way of tools than newspaper and vinegar, steam cleaning your windows has the advantage of being much more efficient and thorough.

steam library cleaner steam library cleaner

Steaming is a more efficient window cleaning method that uses the power of an old, tried-and-true energy source. Anyone who has spent an afternoon patiently cleaning their windows with vinegar and newspapers has no doubt wondered if there might not be a better way to perform this decidedly unglamorous chore.

Steam library cleaner