
How much does raid shadow legends pay for sponsors
How much does raid shadow legends pay for sponsors

how much does raid shadow legends pay for sponsors how much does raid shadow legends pay for sponsors

From what I've seen of the adult vid/game scene, plenty of VA ladies are making bank doing roughly the same amount of work or less(often the latter) with more impressive. Plus as others have mentioned the amount of work being offered. We are only hearing one side of the story here, and I'm sure there are other negotiating factors that weren't mentioned. I appreciate the effort and style she put into the character but acting like she exclusively has the rights to play the part reeks of arrogance and asking fans to boycott on her financial behalf is quite funny.

how much does raid shadow legends pay for sponsors

Take for example Nolan North who when receiving his award for performance went out and said he was just the voice, it was the super talented artists, coders and animators that were the real unsung stars that made the character. I get where she's coming from and it sucks, but this also seems petty and like some primadonna attitude especially in regards to her own worth and value. I know games and movies are different, but Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito's highest paying film so far has been the movie Twins, because they opted for the long-term delayed gratification royalties, and the film not only grossed well it had legs. Click to expand.I'm assuming that might be part of the lowball offer.

How much does raid shadow legends pay for sponsors